The IlluminAg Project evolved into a video documentary, to act a replacement for a 2020 Covid-cancelled bus tour and field days to leading beef producers in the Charters Towers and northern Desert Uplands Bioregion. To become a beef-grazing extension tool utilising the peer-to-peer format, the premediated questions were reflective of those asked at such field days, being widely canvassed and edited before sending to the four pastoralist leaders, and preproduction meeting with all partners resolving details.

The Desert Uplands Committee partnered with North Queensland Dry Tropics and Queensland Government’s Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, to capture and disseminate those better land management practices elevating beef production and land stewardship in these northern Australian rangelands; as told to peer, producer and DUC chair, Robyn Adams in July 2020, by Doug O’Neal at Mt Oweenee, Roger Landsberg at Trafalgar, Michelle and Michael Lyons at Wambiana, and David and Donna Rankine at Bunuro. The resultant videos captures ‘Landholders Driving Change’.

Last light on the last day for the IlluminAg Film Crew    

With many changes emanating out of the ongoing Covid pandemic, its ‘outbreaks’, government policies and the ‘fear&flux’ affect, plus health issues with the cinematographers George Koulakis, the planned IlluminAg Project remains ‘incomplete’, with the four completed videos available through dropbox links below.

The resultant videos are excellent, in content, cinematic quality, storytelling and ‘fit-for-purpose’. Once the final cut for Bunuro is ‘pressed’, further support to do subsequent topic videos using sections from all four entities and days of filming, such as gems the six interviewees talked about on climate change, succession, holistic approaches and the breeder herd dynamics, is being sought.  Enjoy, and please feel free to follow-up with any suggestions.

On Top of the Grid

Mt Oweenee

